

2015-12-28 16:59:52 零排放汽车网-专注新能源汽车,混合动力汽车,电动汽车,节能汽车等新闻资讯 网友评论 0

核心提示:最近,奥迪在洛杉矶宣布,其未来纯电动汽车将选择150千瓦直流快速充电器,此消息引发了广泛关注。 相比于通常所用的50千瓦组合充电器,该充电器有着高出三倍的能量,并且它将由数家德国汽车制造商同时...








拥有无线充电技术,能量随着地面充电板传输到电网。地面充电板有一个集成的初级线圈和一个逆变器(AC / AC变换器)。连接到一个16安培的单孔插座,第一代无线充电系统提供了一个3.6千瓦的充电功率,未来第二代系统可能升级到11千瓦。





Audi attracted a lot of attention by announcing 150 kW DC fast charging for its future all-electric cars recently in LA.

That’s three times higher power than the most commonly used 50 kW for Combo chargers, and it will be developed and implemented by several German carmakers at the same time. A nationwide network of 150 kW chargers will be built in the U.S.

But at some point in 2017, Audi intends to also offer wireless charging too.  Wireless charging tech is currently offered as an after-market option with some high volume plug-in cars, but no OEM has yet of offer the solution.

We imagine if you can afford a Q6 e-tron quattro, paying a little extra for the wireless option for home charging won’t be a problem, right?

Power output will be just 3.6 kW initially (which is not much for the 95 kWh battery found in the Q6 e-tron), but will go up to 11 kW later. In our opinion any home system should be capable of fully recharging the owner’s EV of choice in an overnight session.

Despite the advancement of technology, the floor plate still needs to raise the primary coil to improve the efficiency by shortening the distance mechanically.

“Audi wireless charging – wireless charging with alternating current
DC fast charging is virtually impossible in the private infrastructure due to the limited grid power. AWC (Audi wireless charging) is an inductive AC charging technology Audi is developing as an alternative that also makes home charging extremely convenient. The company hopes to launch AWC in 2017.

With AWC, the energy is transferred via a floor charging plate connected to the electric grid. The plate has an integrated primary coil and an inverter (AC/AC converter). Connected to a 16 ampere, single-phase outlet, the first-generation system offers a charging power of 3.6 kW, with higher powers of up to 11 kW possible in the next version.

When the customer approaches to within a few meters of the charging plate with his Audi e‑tron, the plate establishes radio contact with the car. The driver then sees the precise position of the floor plate on the display. Charging can begin immediately after proper positioning or according to a timer. With the piloted parking systems Audi is currently developing for production use, the car handles positioning itself. The driver can get out of the car and then initiate the parking procedure remotely via her Smartphone.

Prior to charging, an integrated electric motor in the floor plate raises the primary coil. This minimizes the distance between it and the secondary coil, which is integrated into the front section of the Audi e‑tron floor pan, regardless of the specific vehicle. The floor plate’s alternating electromagnetic field induces an alternating current in the car’s secondary coil across the air gap. An AC/DC converter inverts the current, which is then fed into the high-Voltage electrical system. There it charges the battery and powers additional consumers such as the heating or air conditioning as needed. The driver can interrupt the charging process at any time, and charging stops automatically when the battery is full.

Because the alternating field is only generated when a car is over the plate and the coil is active, there is no risk to people or animals. The small air gap prevents the magnetic field from interfering with electronic devices.

The first generation of the AWC technology is ideal for use in home garages or office building parking garages. A later version can be integrated in a modified form into the public infrastructure, such as into the asphalt of roads and parking lots.”

作者: 来源:零排放汽车网

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