
田纳西州宣布EV补贴计划 堪萨斯城将是下一个EV热销区

2015-06-11 17:18:19 零排放汽车网-专注新能源汽车,混合动力汽车,电动汽车,节能汽车等新闻资讯 网友评论 0


堪萨斯城正在建设庞大的清洁充电网络。到目前为止,已经建好的充电站有150个,计划到年底将建立1016个充电站(其中15个是直流快速充电站)。在还没有接受电动汽车的市场建立2万美元的基础充电设施是一项非常有冒险性的项目,但是公司对此持乐观态度。“如果充电站建好了,就会有车来。” KCP&L市场营销和公共事务副总经理Chuck Caisley说。KCP&L希望通过这种办法激励更多的人驾驶电动汽车,从而使公司有更多的客户以挽救目前汽车销量的下滑。而其他的公共设施和汽车制造商对此持观望态度。

田纳西州公布了将为购买或租用电动车的本地居民给予相应补贴。最短租期为三年,租用电动车客户可获得2500美元的补贴,而租用插电式混合动力车的客户可以获得1500美元的补贴。该计划于6月15日起开始执行,并仅限于682500美元的补贴(相当于455辆车)。“这一计划有助于消费者在选择交通方式时考虑环保问题。”田纳西州的环境及自然保护专员Bob Martineau说。

Kansas City Power & Light's huge Clean Charge Network is well underway. So far, it has installed 150 charging stations, with a total of 1,016 to be built by the end of the year (15 of which being DC fast chargers). The utility is taking a chance by building the $2- million charging infrastructure in a market that hasn't embraced EVs yet, but the company is optimistic. "If you build it, they will come," says KCP&L Vice President of Marketing and Public Affairs Chuck Caisley. KCP&L hopes it will inspire more people to drive EVs, thus providing the company with more customers to make up for the current decline in consumption. Meanwhile, other utilities and automakers are paying attention to see how it all plays out. Read more at Automotive News.

Tennessee has announced a rebate program for EVs bought or leased in the state by state residents. With a minimum of a three-year lease, battery electric vehicle customers will be eligible for a $2,500 rebate, with Plug-in hybridcustomers eligible for a $1,500 rebate. The program begins June 15, and is limited to $682,500 worth of rebates (which equals, at the most, 455 vehicles). "This rebate program is a way to assist consumers making environmentally conscious tranSportation decisions," says Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau.Read more from WATE 6 http://www.tyncar.com/News/guoji/20150611_16889.html

The Canadian Electricity Association has announced the winners of the Electric Vehicle Dealership Awards.Motorize Auto Direct in Sidney, British Columbia has been named Leading Battery Electric Vehicle Dealership, with BEVs making up 65 percent of their sales. Motorize Auto Direct also has a donation program to build chargers in the region.Bourgeois Chevrolet in Rawdon, Quebec wins the Leading Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Award, with PHEVs making up 22 percent of its sales. Green Rock EVS of Mount Pearl, Newfoundland receives the Electric Vehicle Dealership Inspiration Award for their promotion of EVs in the community. Read more from the Canadian Electricity Association.

作者: 来源:零排放汽车网

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